Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Network Defense _ Exam

Network Defense _ Exam

Q 1.SMTP, IMAP, and POP are the main protocols supporting e-mail systems all over the world. 2. are used by programs on the Internet (remote) and on a user’s computer (local) to confirm the user’s identity to any third party concerned. 3.Match the description on the left with the correct e-mail attack type on the right. 4.Which of the following personal e-mail security countermeasures includes using the same amount of effort that a reasonable educated person would use and includes always having antivirus software capable of scanning e-mails? 5. is commercial or nuisance e-mail with no effective opt-out system.

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1.True 2.Digital signatures 4.Due Diligence 5.Spam